10 Tips for Proper Keyboard Care and Maintenance

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Keyboard care is an essential part of maintaining the longevity and functionality of your computer or laptop. A dirty and unkempt keyboard can lead to problems such as sticky keys, slow typing, and even permanent damage to the keyboard. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your keyboard:

  • Keep it clean: A regular cleaning routine is important to keep your keyboard in good working condition. Use a can of compressed air to blow away debris and dust that can accumulate between the keys. You can also use a damp cloth or a microfiber towel to gently wipe down the keys. Avoid using liquids directly on the keyboard, as this can damage the internal components.
  • Prevent spills: Spills can be a major problem for keyboards, as they can cause damage to the internal components. To prevent spills, keep drinks and food away from your keyboard, and be sure to wipe up any spills immediately.
  • Use keyboard protectors: Keyboard protectors are an inexpensive way to protect your keyboard from spills, dust, and other damage. They are made of a clear, durable material that sits on top of the keys and can be easily removed for cleaning.
  • Adjust your typing habits: The way you type can also affect the longevity of your keyboard. Try to avoid typing too hard, as this can wear down the keys over time. It’s also important to take breaks and stretch your hands to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly check the keyboard for any loose key or any other issue and address it as soon as possible. If the issue persists then consider reaching out to the manufacturer or a professional.
  • Organize your keyboard: Organizing your keyboard can not only make it look better but also help you locate keys more easily. You can use keyboard stickers or labels to identify keys that are frequently used or hard to find, such as the function keys.
  • Use a keyboard tray: A keyboard tray can help reduce the strain on your wrists and arms while typing. It can adjust to the right height, reducing the angle of your wrists to the keyboard which can help prevent repetitive strain injuries.
  • Use a keyboard wrist rest: A keyboard wrist rest can also help reduce strain on your wrists and arms while typing. It’s designed to provide support and cushioning for your wrists, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
  • Choose the right keyboard: Not all keyboards are created equal, and choosing the right one can make a big difference in your typing experience. Consider factors such as the layout, size, and type of keys when shopping for a new keyboard. Some people prefer a mechanical keyboard, others a membrane one, or even a wireless or a Bluetooth keyboard.
  • Turn off your keyboard when not in use: If you’re stepping away from your computer for an extended period of time, be sure to turn off your keyboard to save power and prevent accidental key presses. This will help prolong the battery life and keep your keyboard in good working condition for longer.

By following these tips, you can help keep your keyboard in good working condition and prolong its lifespan. Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential, and a little bit of preventative care can go a long way in keeping your keyboard in top shape.


An enthusiastic developer, tech blogger looking for challenging problems to solve.